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​석박사통합과정 (Integrated M.S. and Ph.D. course)

Research Fields: Urban Air Mobility(UAM), Drone, AI, Smart City, Spatial Information System(GIS), Spatial Analysis

I am mainly conducting research related to UAM. Additionally, I am interested in preparing for future development and changes in cities, such as spatial site selection, automation technology, and smart city implementation, through interdisciplinary research incorporating new technologies such as drones, AI, and VR.

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​석박사통합과정 (Integrated M.S. and Ph.D. course)

Research Fields: Neuroarchitecture, Electroencephalogram, Virtual Reality, Space cognition in urban areas, Artificial Intelligence
                               Pedestrian-friendly space design

Bridging the gap between architecture and cognitive neuroscience, my research primarily focuses on the quantitative analysis of human behavior and cognitive patterns in urban spaces. I explore the intricate interplay between architectural environments and human cognitive and emotional responses. My research aims to design spaces that complement human experience, transcending the mere structural aspect of cities, and instead enhancing the quality of life through innovative and forward-thinking ideas and solutions.

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Hao, Weihao

​전임박사과정 (Ph.D. course)

Research Fields: Stormwater management, Urban vitality, Visual evaluation of the landscape

Dedicated to improving urban water management and flood control capacity and urban stormwater function through research on urban stormwater management. To improve urban space and functionality through urban vitality research, and to increase the sense of well-being of residents. Qualitatively analyze the urban landscape through landscape visual assessment to improve urban landscape planning decisions and better protect the urban environment.

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석사과정 (M.S. course)

Research Fields: Built environment, Pedestrian-friendly space design, health, Urban design, Street design, Neuroarchitecture, EEG,
                              Artificial intelligence technology, GIS

I am interested in quantitative analysis of how people are influenced by the built environment in the field of urban and architecture. I am also interested in combining analysis methods for planning spatial design or evaluating spatial theory. My goal is to change cities into places that are good for walking(pedestrian-friendly) and beneficial for health through various research related to the built environment. 

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석사과정 (M.S. course)

Research Fields: Urban Spatial Structures,Architectural Planning, Complex and Urban Design, Smart City, Universal Design,            
Pedestrian-friendly Space Design, Space Cognition in Urban Areas

I am interested in conducting quantitative analysis on how people perceive space in the field of urban architecture and environment. I aim to incorporate this analysis into spatial planning. Additionally, I am interested in researching and designing urban architectural spaces that are comfortable for everyone, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or disability. The goal is to propose and plan pedestrian-friendly cities and compact urban spatial structures in response to urban changes such as population decline, aging, and environmental issues.

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석사과정 (M.S. course)

Research Fields: Urban Planning, District Planning, Neighborhood Units, Sustainable Development, Smart Cities, Eco-Friendly City
Pedestrian-friendly Space Design, Space Cognition in Urban Areas

As a graduate student researching architecture and urbanism, I'm deeply invested in topics such as urban design, spatial planning, sustainable development, smart cities, and eco-friendly urbanism. My focus lies in meticulously crafting city designs and comprehensive planning strategies to facilitate the transition towards future cities. Through the formulation of detailed guidelines and policies, I aspire to spearhead sustainable development into forms such as smart cities and eco-friendly urban environments.





​박사과정 (Ph.D. course) / 메리츠대체투자운용주식회사 대표




​박사과정 (Ph.D. course) / 삼육대학교 건축학과 조교수




​박사과정 (Ph.D. course) / 정파트너스 아키텍츠 소장

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